Unlock the Natural Power of Healing with Earth Clinic - Natural Remedies, Holistic Health and Alternative Medicine (2024)

Treatment of Yeast Overgrowth With Antifungal Foods

In this post I would like to write about antifungal foods that I have discovered to be effective against yeast overgrowth or candida infestation. The discoveries came through research on

Re: Alpha-Gal Syndrome

Since there is no current treatment for Alpha-gal, I recommend treating it like lyme’s disease. I have seen a 50/50 result using these herbs. Ticks that cause alpha-gal syndrome are

Re: Garlic for Fleas

I am so happy to read this! Finally someone with common sense about garlic!Garlic is 100% safe as long as you don't feed one garlic (like 15 cloves) to a

Coconut Oil for Head Congestion

I have been suffering from pressure in the back of my (L) eye and then radiating to my forehead and (r) eye. I went to the doctor was given an

Re: Garlic Tea for Mites

I think there is a misunderstanding here...I was not having a problem with mites. I kept reading complaints of people who do and asking how to get rid of them.

Re: Remedies for Shingles

Since shingles virus live in the spine, if I had shingles I would rub from the base of my skull to my lower back down the spine, with a few

Garlic & sunshine cured my husband of Covid-19. Each day he felt better & better!My husband got Covid-19 and I wanted to share what we did to have him well

Tooth Pain

I woke up with a horrible toothache around 5:30 AM, this morning. I took two Tylenol and used Chloraseptic spray on the gums surrounding the tooth that was hurting. Nothing

Garlic for Hpv (Thread)

I recently was diagnosed with high-risk HPV after a ASCUS reading on my pap. I am a bit of a health-nut and very leary of "modern-medicine" unless absolutely necessary. I

Re: Master Tonic to Maintain Health and Strong Immune System

Hi Sue, You're too funny! Well, I can easily eat the garlic cloves since I'm a big fan. I do have to say I got very carried away about a

Insect Repellent, Ant Deterrent or Ant Killer

Now that Summer has arrived and we may be spending more time outdoors, I make a mix of vodka and clove oil and put it in a small two ounce

Re: Type of Honey is Better?

Thank you for this information Mtm,The honey I purchased is "Bubba's Sweet Nectar" and it comes from Waynesboro, VA. Interesting, the 16 oz. jar of the clover honey says "Raw"


Clove Oil helped my aching tooth. It was a friday night when my tooth started to ache (go figure, and on labor day weekend so no dentist available for 3-4

Clove Oil for Toothache

Clove Oil helped my aching tooth. It was a friday night when my tooth started to ache (go figure, and on labor day weekend so no dentist available for 3-4

Cloves for a Tooth Infection

I have had several abscessed on one tooth. After seeing a naturopath for a parasite in my liver (gluten intolerance), I felt all tooth and jaw inflammation desist, leaving me

Re: Clove Oil for Scabies

So it's been about a week since my last post regarding clove oil.. So far it's one of the best things to use to subside the itch and move forward

Clove Oil for Toothache Relief

When recently I experienced a "puss bag" along the upper gum line, I knew it signified infection, but due to extensive dental work, I had no idea exactly where. I

Clove Oil for Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum Contagiosum:The pure clove oil on a cotton swab has worked great for me! My skin has been fine, since I only press it to the pox center. I do

What Kind of Clove Oil for Tooth Pain?

I went to Whole Foods for the clove oil everyone has said works for tooth pain but all I found was essential oil in clove bud which said on the

Re: Clove Oil for Scabies

Just a note about the successful treatment of scabies with clove bud essential oil.https://www.qimrberghofer.edu.au/2010/09/clove-oil-for-itchy-rash/

Clove Powder for Painful Tooth

Tried clove powder on my painful broken tooth w/ cavity. Worked for a day then stopped. Tried clove oil and oregano oil,also tried baking soda. All worked for a day

Neem, Coconut, Clove and Tea Tree Oils for Scabies

Neem, coconut, clove and tea tree oils for scabiesI tried everything, nothing killed the scabies and made them come out of my skin like the neem, coconut, clove and

Clove Oil for Tooth Extraction Pain

I love oil of cloves. I had a tooth extracted on Monday and the next day I had a dry socket. I went to the dentist on Thursday and they

Clove and Mugwort

I recently realized that it's been over a year since I've dealt with pinworms, and I am so thankful that it seems what I was using was working. Whenever I

Clove Oil for Teething Pain

My 11 year old daughter has her 12 year molars coming in. A baby cannot put words to teething pain (though they cry and we don't always know why! )

Clove Oil

I think I contracted scabies from a chair that was given to me. I tossed that chair in the trash and ran to my doctor who prescribed permethrin. It seemed

Re: Clove Oil Vs. Grapefruit Seed Extract

Thanks for the information on clove oil, Elly. I had a small rash and I applied the usual (tea tree oil, lavender oil, GSE, etc. ) but nothing really happened

Clove Oil for Scabies

Since becoming infected with scabies I have more little brown moles as well as occasional 'pimples' that are much larger with a harder lump. These lumps are more likely to

Clove Oil for Painful Dental Issue

Hi, I had a wisdom tooth extraction which led to dry socket. It hurt so bad, the pain was unbearable. I couldnt get to the dentist because it was closed,

Clove Oil, Coconut Oil + Helped After 11 Years of Scabies

For the past 11+ years I suffered from scabies that was not only misdiagnosed, but resistant to all prescription drug treatments. I had been researching for all these years for

Paste of Clove Powder and Oil Works for Tooth Pain!

I have used clove oil several times for an infected tooth. I live in a very rural area, so there are no stores that carry clove oil. I mix ground

Borax, Clove Oil for Foot Fungus/ Eczema

Hi folks, clove oil and borax have helped me conisderably with my stubborn foot fungus and eczema. I ingested it and also used it on the foot. I used one

Garlic Clove Suppository

A suggestion for those afraid to use garlic cloves for a suppository. Instead of threading the clove, thus puncturing it, use a teabag. Snip off the top of the teabag,

Re: Clove Oil for Scabies

Guys thanks so much for all these posts, I had to laugh at "I just started crying, and mind you I'm a grown man" because I can 100% empathise. I

Garlic Clove for Yeast Infection

On Monday night, I tried the garlic remedy, inserting a freshly peeled clove of garlic vagin*lly. The next morning, the itching had almost completely subsided. I did notice the tiniest

Information on Oils

Hi guys, found some more interesting info on these oils. I read oregano taken regularly can cause problems with iodine absorption so make sure to supplement.http://www.candidablog.com/oil-of-oregano.php Grapefruit seed extract can

Re: Premature Ovarian Failure

Minerals! ...Early menopause can be caused by having low levels of minerals.I would take Organic Black Strap Molasses (1-3 YN per day) and some liquid fulvic acid, or Feroxin liquid

Essential Oils

ok guys, I am updating my interstitial cystitus game plan here as Ive drawn a few more conclusions over the last few days.Im getting better. I feel great today, but

Garlic, Grape Seed Oil for Morgellons

first of all thank you to this site. As a sufferer of Morgellons for 20 plus years I am truly greatful to the internet for all the knowledge we inflicted

Papaya Seeds for Parasites

I've had much success expelling parasites with papaya seeds. I buy fresh papayas and eat the seeds. I chew 1 to 2 teaspoons then swallow with water. I do this

Garlic, Oregano Oil

My daughter suffered a tummy bug which caused her to feel nauseous, and gave her a very bad migraine. I wasn't sure what it was she was suffering from or

Garlic Use for Ear Infection

LOL!!! Thanks for the good laugh :D I think you cured me. The juice of 7 cloves of garlic! Why such extremes? I can't imagine the pain that much alicin

Coconut Oil

I am crossing posting this with Oil Pulling since I did a combination therapy and either or both may have done the trick. I had a medium size abcess right

Re: Oil Pulling Side Effects

You are very welcome. It is a good idea to see a dentist to be sure, but you could try these things before your appointment to see what the x-ray

Garlic Use for Ear Aches

I have never read a recommendation to put garlic juice into your ear. Onion juice is usually recommended, or a chunk of garlic wrapped in tissue.Garlic is highly potent and

Garlic for Earaches and Sore Throat

I have used garlic to cure my son twice now from ideas I got from this site. He had an earache, I did the clove in the ear. He would

MSM, Raw Garlic

07/03/2009: PB from Vancouver, BC, Canada writes: "Anal Itch remedy: 5gm MSM/ 2 cloves raw garlic, taken 2x per day at the beginning of a meal.This webpage should mention that

Re: Oil Pulling Causing Tooth Pain?

Hi again AQ, I just read your post again and I'm sorry I didn't address your pleas. Since you have so much recession, that could allow more bacteria in and

Washing Soda

so, I started spraying myself with clove oil in water, which burns and makes me cold. It seemed to help. I also have been using lice shampoo. I just leave

Re: Garlic for Tooth Abscess Relief

Take 4 cloves internally, crushed. To prevent a burning sensation in the stomach, coat in butter or extra virgin olive oil or honey prior to swallowing & take with food.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic for Athlete's Foot

I have a nasty case of Moccasin type Athlete's Foot. The entire front portion of the soles of both feet (from the top of the arches forward) exhibited a thick

Garlic for Yeast Infections

Garlic cured my yeast infection. The quickest way to cure a yeast infection naturally is to take a clove of garlic ON A STRING (I learned the hard way...) and

Candida Remedies

Hi there, I started oil pulling with sesame oil about 10 days and it has been great so far. After 2-3 days, my BM increased and I got worried about

Garlic for Toothache

I had a tooth ache and sore gums beginning on Friday night. Didn't sleep hardly at all. Saturday morning, I got out the garlic - 1 pealed clove. I sliced

Garlic Ointment for Covid Lungs

I wanted to share another garlic ointment recipe that works great and only takes “5 minutes” to make! This recipe for this garlic ointment is taken from the book

Re: Diatomaceous Earth for Mites

Diatomaceous Earth will work however, it does not take only a day to work. I did the same sock trick, filled with DE and beat it around the place. I

Solution for Smelly Vacuum Cleaners From Pet Hair

We have 2 dogs who shed a lot all throughout the year. Anyone who has dogs that shed know how smelly the vacuum cleaner can get from their fur! Well

Re: Garlic for the Swine Flu

To President Obama, Dear Friends, Fellow AmericansFrom Barry W. Bittinger SrMy life was saved by a mistake I made (concerning Garlic) Im now trying to inform you about that [emailprotected]

Question About Garlic

I was just wondering if there was a time of the day that you should take the garlic cloves. Does it matter if you take it after a meal or

Multiple Remedies for Scabies

I'm still waiting to hear from my doctor about my culture, but after extensive cleansing, and diligent treatments, I believe I have killed off all signs of scabies.I am a

Garlic for Cancer - Response

NO odor by eating fresh garlic cloves.You do NOT have to have bad breath, the secret is NOT to bite/chew it. EVERY MORNING I squash and peel 2-3 cloves, chop

Took Garlic for Cystitis, Now Have Lump in Lower Gum

Hi, can anyone comment on my experience please?I'm obviously run-down....don't sleep well at all, over-weight and trying to lose it all the time plus the fact it's been a full-on

Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil Healed Oral Thrush

I developed oral thrush after taking Flonase for 6 weeks, and while using a night guard for teeth grinding. I think the combination of those two really did me in.

Re: Oil Pulling Side Effects

Dear Paula,Has the abscess come through the gum? If so, you can pour a cap full of peroxide diluted with a cap full of water in a cup and swish

Re: Garlic Use for Fleas

By 'chis' I mean chihuahuas! I have 2 girls who weigh around 5 and 6 pounds.Yes you can give her garlic anyway she likes. Commercial dog food is bad and

Re: Update on Beating Cellulitis - Raw Garlic Works Best

This is an update on what I am doing to beat the cellulitis. I have tried many of the recommendations on this site and am continuing to experiment with them.

Sore Throat

Whole cloves cure and numb sore throats. I carry cloves everywhere I go. At first sign of a sore throat, I place one or two between my cheek and teeth

Re: Multiple Remedies for Tooth Abscess

I came on here recently in search of a way to naturally treat my tooth abscess and I am happy to say it worked!I have a terrifying fear of the

Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic for Abscessed Tooth

Well, I woke up from a nap Friday night with a toothache, which is a rare event, thankfully, for me. Anyhow, as in my neck of the woods there aren't

Re: Flat Warts

Hey Willow!I feel your pain - and am trying to get rid of warts also!I have the garden variety of warts; I know my grandma told me not to run

Boil Remedies: Update From Tj

G'Morn! My apologies to the moderators for posting this one too while the most previous post if still pending. I can only hope that the posts are in order. ;-)

Re: Bleach and Water for Scabies

I have literally tried EV RY THING!!!! Perm 2, neem, clove, gr seed oil, oral ivermec, topical ivermec, orange, borax n hp, hp, rubbing alc, alc perfume, THE ONLY THING

Garlic for Tooth Abscess

A little goes along way. I usually cut my organic garlic clove in half. Remove the green shoot in the middle with the knife if it's overripe.My molar filling broke

Re: Connection Between Hemorrhoids and Candida

I want to add onto what Hmmm444 had discovered: Candida overgrowth is a major cause of hemorrhoid.That was an important finding.To check whether you have candida overgrowth in your body,

Garlic Helping Tooth Infection

I'm so thankful that I discovered this God given garlic cure for tooth infection. It hasn't been 24hrs yet and I already see 85% improvement.. I stopped taking Tylenol because

Garlic for Tooth Abscess

I think I have overdone it with the garlic cloves on an abscessed tooth. I then used a tea bag on it and oil pulled with CO. It is a

Garlic for a Tooth Infection

Wow. I mean, wow! I don't believe it.I have had a really bad tooth infection for a month now. I have been on three big guns broad spectrum antibiotics trying

Fresh Garlic for Sinus Issues

hi Brad, I have had severe sinus problems for years, too. I've never had a surgery but thought it was coming to that. When I moved into this house ten

Success Using Multiple Remedies for a Tooth Abscess!

I don't have insurance and that's how I landed here after being in severe pain that Excedrin wasn't touching for several days. Beginning Thursday, I started using remedies I found

Garlic for Candida and Thrush

Garlic for candida in the gut and thrush:I began getting ill with the flu very very regularly. If my son had a slight sniffle I would catch it and end

Citrus Mouthwash

Yes I agree, I have been on another forum trialling differents treatments with different members. Even dog flea treatment which worked, but a few of us relapsed. After reading this

Garlic for Meningitis

In one study at a major Chinese hospital, garlic therapy alone was an effective treatment of cryptococcal meningitis, a potentially deadly fungal infection. https://restorativemedicine.org/library/monographs/garlic/Garlic has proved useful in the treatment

Garlic and Oil Pulling for Tooth Abscess

I am crossing posting this with Oil Pulling since I did a combination therapy and either or both may have done the trick. I had a medium size abcess right

Re: Help Requested For Lingering Flu

Hey Paula,I've gone through what you are experiencing...three times and all three times had to resort to:THE REMEDYDon't spread this around because as a Baptist Tea-toddler.... well, you'll see.First, I

Epsom Salt Worked for Bartholin Cyst

I had a bartholin cyst and did the epsom salt bath one time and then after drying applied with sea salt and left it on overnight. It dried it out

Garlic Stories

Hello Everyone. Ever since I was a tiny tot garlic has been a huge part of my life. I am full blooded Italian and I can remember while on my

Multiple Remedies for Mites

I have been reading this forum since after my third doc visit for these mutesDuring the holidays a relative of mine that works in health care from another state totally


Been reading all the comments about garlic helping the pain of a tooth abscess. I have been in immense pain for 2 days- as my dentist is shut due to

Garlic for Yeast Infection

Wow, garlic worked WONDERS on completely eradicating my yeast infection within just two days. Well, the first day I swallowed a couple cloves of crushed garlic, but I didn't notice

Garlic for Tooth Abscess

IMPORTANT NOTE: all products I used were 100% ORGANIC.First time using this site & successfully overcame tooth abscess. Cured within 1 week. Dentist obviously gave me antibiotics which I did

Acapulco Leaves

Craig has been the most right on, honest response I've read and identified with. I've been dealing with all sorts of "natural" treatments for months now and I seem to

Multiple Remedies Not Helping Tooth Infection

I don't know what to do about my mouth issues. I have a cavity in my molar and the corner of my tooth broke off, exposing the gum below it.

Re: Would Olive Leaf Help Chronic Fatigue?

Re: Would Olive Leaf Help Chronic Fatigue?The idea of what kinds of viruses is causing the CFS is just one question, the other is more broader question whether other viral

DIY Slippery Elm Lozenges for Mouth Sores

I bit my cheek and ended up with a terrible mouth sore on the inside of my cheek. The inflammation made it so I kept biting it, too. Even the

Remedies for Morgellons

Uses of Citric Acid and Tetrasodium Edta for MorgellonsDear Ted, I have Morgellons and was wondering how much citric acid powder should be taken. Also, will citric acid help raise

Raw Garlic for Toothache

I had a toothache that lasted around two weeks. I tried salt water which usually works but it didn’t this time. Next thing I tried was tea tree oil and

Combo Treatment for Battling Yeast and Bacterial Vaginosis

After years of fighting a battle against BV, and now thanks to some antibiotics, yeast too. I decided to tackle this from all angles.Things you will need:Probiotic plain yogurt, rubber

Garlic for Pinworms

Garlic for Intestinal Worms –Although not a frequent topic of conversion, intestinal worms are a common enough problem. Worms such as pinworms can be passed from one person to the

Re: Apple Cider Vinegar for Pulmonary Fibrosis

Michele, I believe you are on the right track by adding the NAC, this has mucous thinning properties and is anti inflammatory, among many other benefits. Please research the benefits

Turmeric for MRSA - Update

Hello everyone, Niall again here with some updates.The following are updates dating from the 1st of January 2017 or two days since my half-hearted experimental self-treatment with turmeric. Now, I'm

Unlock the Natural Power of Healing with Earth Clinic - Natural Remedies, Holistic Health and Alternative Medicine (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.